Kyokushin-Kan Internacional
Karate-Do Organization Europe
The School of
Kancho Royama.
Kyokushin-kan strives to define itself as an organization with the tools to ADVANCE Kyokushin through a specific technical vision which includes a concentrated understanding of kata, bunkai, and tournament kumite, along with the (re) introduction to Kyokushin of

Chi energy training (through Ikken), Bukijutsu (weapons training), head/face-punch kumite, a heightened standard for manner, a stricter standard for promotion, and a refined set of tournament rules. These technical articles were written with the intent to inform Kyokushin-kan’s members of all that is meant to be gained.
Daily training and practice of Kyokushin-kan Karate.
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ALL Kyokushin-kan Kata on Youtube.
If you click HERE you will go to the Kyokushin-kan Kata list of videos in youtube.
Kancho Royama about MAAI - proper distance and squeezing of the body.
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Kyokushinkan Bo Jutsu Stances and techniques Shihan Okazaki & Kancho Royama.
If you click HERE in case the video is not reproducing.
Shihan Hennie Bosman and Joan Wan der Merwe the Kyokushin-kan Grandmother.
If you click HERE in case the video is not reproducing.
ShihanHennie Bosman and Shihan Toshio Akiyama insights Wintercamp in South Africa
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Video Tutorials
Taikyoku Sono Ichi
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