Kyokushin-Kan Internacional
Karate-Do Organization Europe
Shogakukai Foundaition Kyokushin Karate-do Renmei Kyokushin-kan International Honbu
Kancho Hatsuo Royama mentioned 3 great masters of martial arts with whom he had the opportunity to learn from. Sosai Masutasu Oyama taught him the severity of the fight through Kyokushin Karate, Sensei Hideo Nakamura, the depth of Karate-Do and Sensei Ken'ichi Sawai (Taikikken Kenpo) taught him the pleasure of living as a martial artist. According to the great master Hatsuo Royama, "our goal is to build the real power in our body through training."

If you look at the calligraphy the upper part is the same as the calligraphy of Sosai Mas Oyama which means Kyokushin. The lower part, where it differs from the calligraphy of Sosai, means KAN which means school or house.

The triangle represents a Chinese symbol that in turn means "human" or "person".
The outer circle represents harmony - "we are all one."
The center represents "the ultimate truth".
The white background represents peace.
Kancho Royama´s Five Pillars

KIHON: Basic exercises (blocking techniques and blows)
IDO GEIKO: basic movements (block and moving techniques)
KATA: Pre-established forms with positions, hits, blockages determined in a certain order.
BUNKAI KUMITE - Learn and understand the applications and principles of
KUMITE: JIJY KUMITE, full contact fights; IPPON KUMITE, combat one step; SAMBON KUMITE, fight three steps. SHIHKEN SHOBU - Real Fighting / Real Combat.
The intention of these pillars is to improve our techniques, react quickly and have control over our body. We will learn to maintain the center of gravity (Jushin), how to remove the opponent's balance / create "openings" (Tsukuri), how to maintain the appropriate distance (MAAI), how to occupy and take the opponent's distance with foot-work / leg movement (Unsoku), how to improve eye contact - overall vision and above all to think openly that one particular technique leads you to another. We see this with the practice of BUNKAI KUMITE and URA WAZA.
Training is not only for the young. The goal training becomes distant as you walk.It become higher as you climb; and it becomes deeper as you dive. However, if you could even take a mere step into that state, it is worth to spend your whole life into it.
Kancho Hatsuo Royama
"The secret of Karate is in the training of KIHON (Bases)."
Hideo Nakamura
Kancho Royama explains that a technique does not mean to exchange the punches and kicks meaninglessly; it is rather learn the basic movements of karate and apply them appropriately in the actual fighting.
"The heart of karate is in limite, and the heart of limite is in kihon-geiko."
Masutatsu Oyama
Kancho Royama explains Sosai Oyama always said: "no other martial arts look as sharp as karate, and no other martial arts require as severe and simple training as karate" - so you only accomplish the true technique of karate through hard and prolonged training.
*Hatsuo Royama's Secret Principles of Karate.